Sunday, October 25, 2009

Always Someone walking around

Usually when you live in a residental area and when the sun goes down familes go inside their homes, watch television, take a shower, sit on their favorite chair or just do things inside. I unfortunately do not have such normal activities around me. The so called neighbors who live next store stay out until at least midnight or at least the mother-in-law does. I wonder why a 67 year old woman and a 62 year old man would be so motivated? It's as though they may miss something or someone if they are inside like the rest of the neighborhood. When I watch tv I have to hear their voices in the next yard, I have to have a flood light that goes on and off as they walk by. The light stays on for 5 minutes at a time. Sometimes she even leaves her car running with the radio blasting. She also likes to talk to her daughter who lives on the second floor. They like everyone to know their business I assume. But no one cares only I can hear them. It use to be so peaceful here. Oh wait, I hear noise it's her. I think she is putting up Halloween decorations. I wonder why? She doesn't even like children. It's 8:17PM as I write this, she will be out for another 4 hours. Hope everyone enjoys their comfortable favorite chair or couch while they watch tv.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Barking Dogs

The so-called neighbors dogs barked again this morning. Today the time was 7:02Am est. This happens almost every morning when people walk by to go to the corner deli or the bus stop. She will just release them into the yard and the moment they see a passer-by the barking begins. It used to be during the 6AM hour so I decided to call the NYC Public Advocate to let the local 45th precinct know of my problem. We had to decide on 7AM. This has been going on since she inherited the house 3 years ago. Her son-in law is such a nice guy. When I had letters sent from the DEP about the constant early barking he stared at me for 3 months until I finally had to say something. Wow 3 months, my fuse isn't that short. He didn't want to argue he just said,"C'mon, C'mon let's fight". He is an ex NYC police officer with a big chip on his shoulder. He also likes to call people, "Faggot" and other school boy names while his mother in law laughs like the witch from, The Wizard of Oz. Oh by the way this has been going on for about 3 years. So regardless of what time I come home in the evening from work, a social event, etc. I still have to be awake at 7AM so the two lovely dogs can bark away. Funny every morning they bark and it's the same thing, she starts yelling at them to stop. Like that is suppose to help. If she knows they are going to bark when they detect a human being or another dog strolling by why does she do it every morning? She is either very slow in the brain or a spiteful bitch. I think it is a combination of both. Well until tomorrow at 7AM. Wait, tomorrow is Saturday I think I get until 7:15 AM to sleep.
I will let you know of other nice things they have done in the past in a future blog soon. Tom